
Welcome to my site!

📜 Introduction

Hey, Im Josh. I enjoy coding random stuff! I mostly do web development and mobile development. A list of languages and frameworks I have experience with is below.

Javascript, Node.js, Vue / Nuxt, HTML, CSS, PHP, Python, MySQL, Swift, Dart, Flutter, and Java.

I am currently an undergraduate studying computer science at Utah Valley University.
Expected graduation date: April 2026

💻 Projects

Obliviate - Mobile app built with Dart's Flutter framework. Its a multiplayer trivia game. Uses Firebase for backend. The entire apps frontend, backend, questions, databases, and interfaces were built by me.

Tapple Website - Website for Tapple's forums, events, leaderboards, player statistics, rules, and more.

Tapple App - Mobile app which uses the Xenforo API, and other API's built by me to access the Tapple forums, leaderboards, player statistics, events, and more.

Movie Mate - IOS App to act as an IMDB clone. Search for movies to view information about them, but you can also add your own notes about each movie. There is unique sections for taking notes about the characters, events, and special objects which might appear in the movie. Built this with two other new mobile dev students as a teamwork experience.

🏆 Accomplishments

Completed Harvard's course "CS50" which covers programming languages such as C, Python, and JavaScript.

Completed all 5 stages of Google's Foobar challenge.

Achieved mobile development certificate in IOS development through MTECH using Apple's "Learn To Code" program.

"I'm not always motivated, but I'm always disciplined."

- Bishop Nathanyel

🏢 Work History

The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints

Roles - Volunteer, Software Developer

October 2021 - September 2023

Traveled through California and Japan in a volunteer program to serve and teach the local people.
Also created software to speed up the work of all volunteers. The software is currently in use by over 50 volunteers.


Roles - Web Developer, Mobile Developer, and Discord Bot Developer

October 2019 - August 2021

Build and maintained their website, custom discord bot, databases, and mobile app.

More Experience Available on Demand

I have a lot more less relevant or older experience that I can provide if requested.

Thanks for visiting!

Cafe model